We have developed programmes, Journey to Your Heart and Ignatian Daily Examen, to support your students faith by introducing them to methods of prayer.
This programme, designed for Yr 13 and 14 students’, consists of three sessions facilitated in school during a class period. Each session explores where we find God in our lives and gives the young people an experience of meditation.
It is very clear to us, from listening to students who participate in our retreats, that mediation is something they thoroughly enjoy. In order to help the young person develop a habit of praying, this programme teaches how to meditate. These sessions are facilitated in school during a class period (40 – 60 Mins) and costs £30 per session.
The aim of this programme is to:
- Develop positive habits for supporting faith and recognise depth and meaning in life.
- Question what gives your head peace?
- Explore what gives meaning to the life you seek.
- Start the journey between head and heart.
- Learn to slow down and take notice.
- Discover the calm and peace of meditation; time to think about yourself, God and how you are in the universe.
Some comments from our “Journey to Your Heart” Year 14 Students
- I enjoyed how we were allowed time to gather our thoughts about feelings deep inside.
- Relaxing and taught us how to cope with pressures.
- I enjoyed learning how different people meditate in different ways.
- It was very relaxing and made me forget about all the stress I felt during the day. It helped me to organise my thoughts and reflect on the positives.
- I thought it was very informative on how we can apply it to our everyday lives.
- Being able to take a break and have a chance to breathe.
How did you benefit from the session?
- It made me think a lot about what I should be grateful for. It also helped me to develop my meditation skills.
- I learned the importance of taking time for yourself.
- I felt much calmer going home and found it easier to start doing work and my head was clear.
- It made me realise the importance of reflection and meditation.
Ignatian Daily Examen
the Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to notice God’s presence and recognise his direction for us. the Examen is an ancient practice in the Church that can help us see God’s hand at work in our whole experience. It’s a habit that many Christians practice to this day.This three week programme,
developed for Yr 13 and 14 students, is facilitated in school during a class period (40 -60 mins)
The young people are guided through the five stages of the Daily Examen reflecting on their life and examining where they have encountered God that day.
Cost: £30 per session