The De La Salle Pastoral Centre
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest
(Mark 6:31)
Jesus and his disciples found quiet places to rest and reflect and we follow their example in order to remain one with yourself and with God. Space for rest and reflection on life allows a person to go back to daily living with a renewed enthusiasm and insight. Despite the messiness and busyness of the modern world we can integrate reflection into our active lives, finding time for contemplation that feeds our activity. It is important in any faith life.
We believe in creating an environment where space can be found to rest, reflect and ponder life in an atmosphere of joy, welcome, acceptance, kindness and a gentle spirit.
Do your part to help build up the kingdom of God in the heart
John Baptist De La Salle
Spirituality of Our Pastoral Centre
We strive to communicate a spirituality that reflects the heart of God. A heart that is contemplative in action recognising God in all things.
The variety of programmes we offer as part of on-going faith formation and spiritual development reflects this spiritualty, one that allows Jesus to live in every aspect of our lives. One where we recognise God in all things, all people, in all of creation and therefore all is sacred and to be cherished.
It is about looking for a way of living that is rooted in the intentional practise of love, agape, because God is present even in the dark, the cold, the rain as well as in the sunshine.
Live Jesus in our Hearts…Forever!